import { mapToJSON, mapToString, splitSafe, isEmptyString } from "./util";
import moment from "moment";
Awesome ICS v0.1.0
(c) 2015 Bandro
Awesome ICS may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
import { mapToJSON, mapToString, splitSafe, isEmptyString } from "./util";
import moment from "moment";
Basic class for every property value used within the module. Defines API for every child class.
export class PropertyValue {
Initializes the instance with default values
constructor() {
Clears the PropertyValue
by setting default values
clear() {
this.value = null;
return this;
Converts PropertyValue
to string
toString() {
return this.value && this.value.toString();
Converts PropertyValue
toJSON() {
return this.value;
Sets the value of PropertyValue
setValue(value) {
this.value = value;
return this;
Converts PropertyValue
from string, e.g.: ‘PropertyValue’
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return this.clear(); }
return this.setValue(string);
Defines a class that allow to have a value as an array of
export class PropertyMultipleValue {
constructor(mapping) {
if (!mapping || typeof mapping !== "function" || !(new mapping() instanceof PropertyValue)) {
throw new Error("[PropertyMultipleValue] [constructor()] The mapping must be an instance of `PropertyValue`");
this.mapping = mapping;
clear() {
this.value = [];
return this;
toString() {
toJSON() {
setValue(value) {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
throw new Error("[PropertyMultipleValue] [setValue()] The value must be an array");
this.value = value;
return this;
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return this.clear(); }
this.value = splitSafe(string, PropertyMultipleValue.__format.separator)
.map(function(singleContent) { return new this.mapping().convertFromString(singleContent); }, this);
return this;
PropertyMultipleValue.__format = {
separator: ","
export class Binary extends PropertyValue {}
export class Boolean extends PropertyValue {
toString() {
if (typeof this.value === "undefined" || this.value === null) { return ""; }
return this.value.toString().toUpperCase();
setValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== "boolean" && !(value instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new Error("[Boolean] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Boolean`");
return super.setValue(value);
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return super.clear(); }
try {
this.value = JSON.parse(string.toLowerCase());
catch(error) {
return this.clear();
return this;
export class CalendarUserAddress extends PropertyValue {}
export class Date extends PropertyValue {
toString() {
return this.value && this.value.format(;
toJSON() {
return this.value && this.value.format( || null;
setValue(value) {
if (!moment.isMoment(value)) {
throw new Error("[Date] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Moment`");
return super.setValue(value);
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return super.clear(); }
this.value = moment.utc(string,;
return this;
Date.__format = {
date: "YYYYMMDD"
export class DateTime extends PropertyValue {
constructor(content) {
clear() {
this.value = { date: null, time: null };
return this;
toString() {
if (!this.value || ! || !this.value.time) { return ""; }
return `${}${DateTime.__format.separator}${this.value.time.toString()}`;
toJSON() {
return {
date: this.value && && || null,
time: this.value && this.value.time && this.value.time.toJSON() || null
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return this.clear(); }
let parts = string.split(DateTime.__format.separator);
this.value = {
date: new Date().convertFromString(parts[0]),
time: new Time().convertFromString(parts[1])
return this;
setValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== "object") {
throw new Error("[DateTime] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Object`");
if ( { this.setDate(; }
if (value.time) { this.setTime(value.time); }
return this;
setDate(date) {
if (!(date instanceof Date)) {
throw new Error("[DateTime] [setDate()] The date must be an instance of `Date`");
} = date;
return this;
setTime(time) {
if (!(time instanceof Time)) {
throw new Error("[DateTime] [setTime()] The time must be an instance of `Time`");
this.value.time = time;
return this;
setDateValue(date) { = new Date().setValue(date);
return this;
setTimeValue(time) {
if (!this.value.time) { this.value.time = new Time(); }
return this;
setIsFixedValue(isFixed) {
if (!this.value.time) { this.value.time = new Time(); }
return this;
DateTime.__format = {
separator: "T"
TODO: Implement behaviour, remember to write tests
export class Duration extends PropertyValue {}
export class Float extends PropertyValue {
setValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== "number" && !(value instanceof Number)) {
throw new Error("[Float] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Number`");
return super.setValue(value);
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return super.clear(); }
this.value = parseFloat(string);
return this;
export class Geo extends PropertyValue {
clear() {
this.value = { latitude: null, longitude: null };
return this;
toString() {
if (!this.value || !this.value.latitude || !this.value.latitude) { return ""; }
return `${this.value.latitude.toString()}${Geo.__format.separator}${this.value.longitude.toString()}`;
toJSON() {
return this.value && {
latitude : this.value && this.value.latitude && this.value.latitude.toJSON() || null,
longitude : this.value && this.value.longitude && this.value.longitude.toJSON() || null
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return this.clear(); }
let coordinates = string.split(Geo.__format.separator);
this.value = {
latitude : new Float().convertFromString(coordinates[0]),
longitude : new Float().convertFromString(coordinates[1])
return this;
setValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== "object") {
throw new Error("[Geo] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Object`");
if (value.latitude) { this.setLatitude(value.latitude); }
if (value.longitude) { this.setLatitude(value.longitude); }
return this;
setLatitude(latitude) {
if (!(latitude instanceof Float)) {
throw new Error("[Geo] [setLatitude()] The latitude must be an instance of `Float`");
this.value.latitude = latitude;
return this;
setLongitude(longitude) {
if (!(longitude instanceof Float)) {
throw new Error("[Geo] [setLongitude()] The longitude must be an instance of `Float`");
this.value.longitude = longitude;
return this;
setLatitudeValue(latitude) {
this.value.latitude = new Float().setValue(latitude);
return this;
setLongitudeValue(longitude) {
this.value.longitude = new Float().setValue(longitude);
return this;
Geo.__format = {
separator: ";"
export class Integer extends PropertyValue {
setValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== "number" && !(value instanceof Number)) {
throw new Error("[Integer] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Number`");
return super.setValue(value);
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return super.clear(); }
this.value = parseInt(string);
return this;
export class PeriodOfTime extends PropertyValue {}
export class RecurrenceRule extends PropertyValue {}
export class Text extends PropertyValue {
setValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== "string" && !(value instanceof String)) {
throw new Error("[Integer] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Number`");
return super.setValue(value);
(from moment.js library) as value of time andboolean
as value of isFixed.isFixed
set totrue
means that time is same regardless of time-zone
export class Time extends PropertyValue {
clear() {
this.value = { time: null, isFixed: null };
return this;
toString() {
if (!this.value || !this.value.time) { return ""; }
return `${this.value.time.format(Time.__format.time)}${!this.value.isFixed ? Time.__format.timeUTC : ""}`;
toJSON() {
if (!this.value) { return { isFixed: null, time: null }; }
return {
isFixed : this.value.isFixed,
time : this.value.time && this.value.time.format(Time.__format.time) || null
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return this.clear(); }
this.value = {
time : moment(string.slice(0, 6), Time.__format.time),
isFixed : string.slice(-1) !== Time.__format.timeUTC
return this;
setValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== 'object') {
throw new Error("[Time] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Object`");
if (value.time) { this.setTime(value.time); }
if (value.isFixed) { this.setIsFixed(value.isFixed); }
return this;
setTime(time) {
if (!moment.isMoment(time)) {
throw new Error("[Time] [setTime()] The time must be an instance of `Moment`");
this.value.time = time;
return this;
setIsFixed(isFixed) {
if (typeof isFixed !== "boolean" && !(isFixed instanceof Boolean)) {
throw new Error("[Time] [setIsFixed()] The isFixed must be an instance of `Boolean`");
this.value.isFixed = isFixed;
return this;
Time.__format = {
time : "HHmmSS",
timeUTC : "Z"
export class URI extends PropertyValue {}
export class UTCOffset extends PropertyValue {
toString() {
return this.value && this.value.format(UTCOffset.__format.offset);
toJSON() {
return this.value && this.value.format( || null;
setValue(value) {
if (!moment.isMoment(value)) {
throw new Error("[Date] [setValue()] The value must be an instance of `Moment`");
return super.setValue(value);
convertFromString(string) {
if (isEmptyString(string)) { return super.clear(); }
this.value = moment().utcOffset(string);
return this;
UTCOffset.__format = {
offset: "ZZ"
that can be used as mapping forPropertyMultipleValue
Date.isMultiple = true;
DateTime.isMultiple = true;
Duration.isMultiple = true;
Float.isMultiple = true;
Integer.isMultiple = true;
PeriodOfTime.isMultiple = true;
Time.isMultiple = true;
Text.isMultiple = false;
const valueMapping = {
"CALSCALE" : Text,
"METHOD" : Text,
"PRODID" : Text,
"VERSION" : Text,
"ATTACH" : [ URI, Binary ],
"CLASS" : Text,
"COMMENT" : Text,
"GEO" : Geo,
"LOCATION" : Text,
"PRIORITY" : Integer,
"STATUS" : Text,
"SUMMARY" : Text,
"COMPLETED" : DateTime,
"DTEND" : [ DateTime, Date ],
"DUE" : [ DateTime, Date ],
"DTSTART" : [ DateTime, Date ],
"DURATION" : Duration,
"FREEBUSY" : PeriodOfTime,
"TRANSP" : Text,
"TZID" : Text,
"TZNAME" : Text,
"ATTENDEE" : CalendarUserAddress,
"CONTACT" : Text,
"ORGANIZER" : CalendarUserAddress,
"RECURRENCE-ID" : [ DateTime, Date ],
"RELATED-TO" : Text,
"URL" : URI,
"UID" : Text,
"EXDATE" : [ DateTime, Date ],
"RDATE" : [ DateTime, Date, PeriodOfTime ],
"RRULE" : RecurrenceRule,
"ACTION" : Text,
"REPEAT" : Integer,
"TRIGGER" : [ Duration, DateTime ],
"CREATED" : DateTime,
"DTSTAMP" : DateTime,
"SEQUENCE" : Integer,
"DEFAULT" : Text
Defines mapping from value of
const valuePropertyParameterMapping = {
"BINARY" : Binary,
"BOOLEAN" : Boolean,
"DATE" : Date,
"DATE-TIME" : DateTime,
"DURATION" : Duration,
"FLOAT" : Float,
"INTEGER" : Integer,
"PERIOD" : PeriodOfTime,
"RECUR" : RecurrenceRule,
"TEXT" : Text,
"TIME" : Time,
"URI" : URI,
Tries to find the name of
that contains information about the type ofProperty
function getValueParameter(propertyParameters) {
if (!propertyParameters || !propertyParameters.length) { return; }
for (let i = 0; i < propertyParameters.length; i++) {
if (propertyParameters[i].name === "VALUE") {
return propertyParameters[i];
Returns an instance of
depending on specified parameters. The particular type of object is specified byPropertyParameter
named ‘VALUE’ or will be mapped frompropertyName
export function getValue(propertyName, propertyValue, propertyParameters) {
let mapping = valuePropertyParameterMapping[(getValueParameter(propertyParameters) || {}).value]
|| valueMapping[propertyName]
|| valueMapping["DEFAULT"];
let containsMultipleSeparator = propertyValue && splitSafe(propertyValue, (PropertyMultipleValue.__format.separator)).length > 1;
mapping = Array.isArray(mapping) ? mapping[0] : mapping;
if (mapping.isMultiple === true && containsMultipleSeparator) {
return new PropertyMultipleValue(mapping).convertFromString(propertyValue);
return new mapping().convertFromString(propertyValue);